My first year on staff allowed me to explore journalism. I gained a lot of experience writing different stories and finding my voice.
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Fall sports preview: Cheer
The first story I wrote for The Tower was a simple preview on the upcoming sideline cheer season. While I am able to look back and laugh at it now, at the time, I was overwhelmed by the thought of writing a story for the newspaper. I biked to the gymnasium where they practiced with a small reporters notebook where I had carefully crafted all the most important questions the night before. I waited for the team to finish their practice and spoke with the coach. After realizing I had forgotten to take photos, I was forced to return the following day and take pictures of the team practicing. Writing this story helped me work out my nerves and start journey down the path of journalism.
Student take on slanted media coverage as it relates to recent shooting across the nation
In 2017, I watched headlines not only as a Pakistani, Muslim American, but as a student journalist. I saw a problem in the way some news sources covered marginalized groups. Living in a homogeneous city like Grosse Pointe, I was nervous to speak my mind, but I knew if I didn't say something, no one would. I took the time to research and compose my thoughts. My first opinion piece published in the newspaper took a lot of courage, but I was overwhelmed and surprised by the positive feedback I received from other editors, my adviser, and the community. This column was a national winner for the Quill and Scroll Writing, Photo and Multimedia contest in the category of opinion writing in 2018. While the praise felt great, I was more proud of myself for taking a stand and writing about something I cared about. Writing this column proved to me that journalism has the power to change mindsets and the world.
Knocking on the door: Detroit crime rate rises
This feature I wrote in The Tower stands out because it allowed me to research a topic I did not know a lot about. However, as I began to do more digging, I became very invested in the story of Detroit. The passion this story sparked is an important part of my journalism background to this day. I worked hard to find good sources for this story. From a parent who grew up in Detroit to a former Detroit police officer, I wanted to make sure I tackled this issue from all angles.
Racial housing discrimination roundtable visits Cleminson Hall
Similar to the last story, this feature allowed me to learn more about the world around me. In school we were never taught about institutions like redlining or the point system that dominated Grosse Pointe's history. I love journalism because it is a vessel for me to learn more about what I care about. Being my first front-page story, I took great care in this story and worked hard to cover the event.
'Will you get offended':
Exploring racism in modern-day media
I am passionate about writing about race because it often isn't talked about enough. In this feature, I examined how pop culture impacts racism. I am proud of the work I did to find the sources who could candidly and authentically speak about their experiences. Journalism is a form of story-telling, and being able to tell people's stories is a job I don't take lightly.